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Ecomed Project

JemmBuild has been participating in the Ecomed project since January 2017, an initiative funded by the Erasmus + and EU program to promote research and dissemination in the Mediterranean field of Naturalistic Engineering techniques and Landscape Architecture. 14 partners, universities and companies from 8 countries participate in the Consortium: Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Enrico Fermi Higher Education Institute, Technologiko Ekpedeftiko Idrima, Universidade De Evora, Istanbul Universitesi, the Glasgow Caledonian University, Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique, JemmBuild, Sangalli Coronel y Asociados SL, EcoSalix, Naturalea Conservacio SL, Astrolabe Engineering, ICE Ingenieur-Conseil en Environnement- Klaus Peklo, GEING Krebs und Kiefer International & others Ltd.
Ecomed aims to study a unique design system at Euro-Mediterranean level that takes into account the specific problems related to the territory and to unite the various experiences of the various partners on the subject and outline a study, monitoring and protocols to follow in the moment in which the Naturalistic Engineering is to be applied.
All the problems are currently dealt with individually and in random order by the individual countries and have not yet been dealt with in an organic knowledge coordination scheme at the European level and therefore there are no specific guidelines for the Mediterranean region.
The working group will have the task of incorporating, researching and proposing all the appropriate techniques and knowledge in order to encourage its diffusion for a correct Landscape Architecture.
The core of the project is represented by the interaction between the academic world, the companies and all the interested parties, aiming not only to maintain and expand the partnership of the existing project, but also to establish a starting point for a global innovation.
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